My tools

My tools

I have many strings to my bow, and I draw upon the tools from my toolbox that make the most sense for you or your company.

My diverse education and 20 years of work experience in both the private and public sectors, as well as being a business owner, will benefit you.

It is the combination of my tools and approaches that will have the greatest impact on you—whether you are a private client seeking guidance, undergoing supervision in your professional role, or an entrepreneur looking to prevent stress in your organization by starting with yourself.

The composition of these tools and approaches means that ultimately, you will require fewer sessions, which is in both your interest and mine.

During in-person appointments at the clinic, I make use of various cognitive tools and home assignments, standardized ear acupuncture, and mindfulness training in digestible portions.

Online, you still have access to the whole package, except for acupuncture, of course.

A good starting point for engaging in sessions with me is to have read my book, "Frøen i gryden" (The Frog in the Pot), regardless of whether you're seeking help for stress or other issues. It will soon be in English.

By doing so, you will have a framework for my approach in advance, and you will have already begun to address a part of your challenges.

Below, you can read more about my primary tools.

cognitive COACHING

​Coaching is a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth, offering guidance and support in achieving personal and professional goals. Through thoughtful questioning and active listening, coaching empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and make meaningful changes in their lives. 

Cognitive coaching involves asking sharp, precise questions that assist you in gaining self-awareness and reflection.


It focuses on identifying and challenging limiting beliefs and thought patterns, enabling individuals to develop more empowering and effective cognitive processes. By fostering cognitive flexibility and promoting positive thinking, cognitive coaching helps you optimize your mindset and achieve greater success in various areas of your life.​

​I utilize my overall evidence-based understanding of your challenges, knowing that chemically speaking, the mechanisms triggered within you are similar to those experienced by all of us.

​I combine this knowledge with my experience from over 5000 sessions and my own intuitive approach.

​This way, the questions I ask you become sharp and hit the nail on the head, allowing us to quickly and easily get to the core and address what is hindering you.

Coaching is an integral element in all treatments, whether it's supervision, business coaching, therapy, personal development, or stress prevention.

cognitive therapy – with elements of metacognitive therapy

We have 60,000 thoughts every day, and most of them are likely to be the same as the ones you had yesterday. 

Many of these thoughts are negative automatic thoughts that seemingly come out of nowhere, criticizing, warning, reminding you of past situations where you felt inadequate, and so on.

We can't simply dismiss them, as that would only invite more of the same. However, by understanding why they arise and equipping ourselves with tools, we can learn to shift our focus and give them less attention.

​It's not necessarily our negative thoughts that pose the challenge; it's the amount of time and attention we dedicate to them.

This phenomenon is not new.

"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters" 

- The slave Epictetus

​As human beings, we are made to take action and solve the problems we encounter.

However, when we find ourselves unable to take action or understand why we react the way we do, especially in the face of stress, we often become paralyzed.

Through a cognitive and metacognitive approach, you will learn to understand the challenges you face and how your thinking influences your emotions, body, and behavior. 

Consequently, you will also learn what to do when you experience a flood of thoughts or physical symptoms of discomfort.

Equipped with tools and knowledge, you gain new possibilities for action. Ultimately, this leads to fewer worries and less mental clutter.

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself,  but to your estimate of it" - Emperor Marcus Aurelius

​Mindfulness – a tool to get more out of your life​

Mindfulness is essentially about being present in the here and now, without judging or evaluating your experiences.

It may sound simple, but it's one of the most challenging things you can be asked to do. Researchers at Harvard found that 47% of our lives, we are mentally somewhere else than where we physically are.

It's quite unfortunate to have spent 14 days in Barbados and only been fully present for half of that time...

The purpose of mindfulness is essentially to savor life more fully. Besides getting more out of the things you already do, mindfulness can enable you to handle unpleasant situations and change your relationship with your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations.

Mindfulness originates from the Buddhist religion, where it has been practiced for over 2,500 years.

It was purified from its religious aspects and introduced to the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the 1970s by Jon Kabat-Zinn. 

Saki Santorelli, a professor of medicine, joined Jon and later took over as the head of the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society, initiating the Mindfulness movement.

​Since then, Mindfulness has been researched repeatedly. It is evidence-based and widely used across the globe. 

For instance, if you go to a doctor with depression in England or Holland, the doctor may ask whether you prefer medication or Mindfulness as a treatment option.

Mindfulness can be used to address various issues, including:

  • Stress - both positive and negative stress
  • Sleep problems
  • Memory issues
  • Acceptance of challenging life circumstances
  • Low self-esteem
  • Social anxiety
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Racing or intrusive thoughts
  • Pain management

Mindfulness practice can lead to increased emotional well-being, reduced stress, and improved focus and concentration. 

It also fosters greater self-awareness, resilience, and the ability to respond to challenging situations with greater clarity and composure.​

Jon Kabat-Zinn and Mette B. Lorenzen,

7-days 'MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine' 2014​​

I have had the pleasure of attending more than 100 hours of teaching/training with Jon Kabat-Zinn and Saki Santorelli in 2014 when they were in Denmark and with Saki again 5 days in a row in 2018, 2022 and 2023. 

I am currently receiving weekly training from Saki Santorelli by Zoom from the US and practice Mindfulness as a way of living every day.

Mindfulness is a tool to move your focus from your thoughts to something you can see, hear, count, sense ect. This calms your nervous system and gives you a time-out in your head.

Mindfulness helps you to:

  • Increase presence and awareness in daily life.
  • Enhance judgment and decision-making.
  • Cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion.
  • Cope with difficult emotions, thoughts, anxiety, depression, and insecurity.
  • Foster self-care, healing, and personal development.
  • Gain better control over your thoughts, reactions, and actions.
  • Prevent and address stress-related disorders, both physical and mental.
  • Create clarity and organization in your life.
  • Embrace reality as it is.
  • Develop inner peace, joy, and resilience.

Mindfulness is always incorporated in my practice. I also offer short introductory sessions for businesses and the standardized 8-week programs. Feel free to reach out to me for more information.

NADA acupuncture helps you reach your goals faster

One thing is to take the step and seek treatment, for example, for stress and anxiety. Another thing is to reach right to the core of the issues purely through talking.

There is a shortcut that speeds up the process and allows much of the noise to subside without the need to talk through it.

NADA acupuncture is ear acupuncture designed for treatment with a focus on engaging in personal development and processing. 

Research shows that NADA acupuncture prepares an individual for therapy.

NADA is an abbreviation for the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. The model was developed in the 1970s at Lincoln Hospital in New York

NADA acupuncture quiets down the threat system without the need for talking.

Regulation occurs, among other things, through the autonomic nervous system, the body's hormones, and neurotransmitters.

That's why it is used today in all disaster-stricken areas around the world, in many hospitals, treatment facilities, prisons, and in therapy.

In the USA, it is so recognized and widespread that if you commit a crime while under the influence of substances, you may be sentenced to cognitive therapy and NADA acupuncture instead of a prison sentence.

Body and mind are interconnected. With me, we cover all aspects, including the use of Reiki, which is also one of my tools. I am also Paqo, and Divine Deacon from Lars Muhl.

​​Let's talk about how i can help you

It is the combination of my tools that makes the process with me so effective. With my help, you can - on a chemical level - regain the connection between your body and mind.

I can assist you with the following:

Contact me using the form for a talk on how I can assist your company or you personally - either online, at my clinic, or at your workplace.

✓ Member of the Danish Psychotherapist association

✓ More than 6.000 individual sessions  

✓ 24+ years experience in professional communication


by Mette B.​ Lorenzen

​Cognitive Psychotherapist MPF


Contact information​:

Mobile: +45 71 75 81 26​

CVR: 35916202​