talks on the good (work)life

talks and workshops

​​Here is a selection of the clients for whom I have given presentations, courses, teaching, and programs.

The focus is on stress, stress prevention, Mindfulness, and the path to a good (work) life. 

I often find that my customers rebook me, such as:

  • Save the Children Denmark: Purchased an additional 2-day course for further elaboration
  • Sanderumskolen - a public school: Purchased an additional 8-week mindfulness program for the employees
  • The municipality of Vejle: Purchased an additional year of supervision for the authority case handlers
  • The Correctional Service: Purchased two more workshops the following year for, amongs others, the prison officers
  • Umbraco: Purchased workshops for the entire company, as well as a tech conference

My great strength is that I am able to share evidence-based knowledge in a language that is easy to understand.

I spice it up with tools and focal points that all employees and leaders can use immediately, regardless of their job function, age, and prerequisites.​

Mindfulness is a natural element and tool in my presentations.

In 2014, I was certified in 'MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine' by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and since then, I have been regularly trained in mindfulness and meditation by Saki Santorelli, the co-founder of mindfulness, and since 2022, on a weekly basis.

Jon Kabat-Zinn and Mette B. Lorenzen, 2014



I touch upon:

  • Why you are afraid of snakes and spiders but should be afraid of something entirely different
  • Why you repeatedly end up running too fast
  • What you can do right here and now to get yourself back on track
  • What you shouldn't do
  • What you should be aware of in a colleague, employee, or yourself
  • How you, as individuals and as a workplace, can create better chemistry​

Due to a busy schedule, I am unfortunately not taking on any more at the moment

I tailor all presentations and workshops according to the specific company and its wishes and needs.

That's why I can address difficult topics as "the outsider," wrapped in evidence-based knowledge and with a twinkle in my eye - thus opening up the dialogue in a safe environment.

Examples of talks and workshops:


"What Do I Need to Know About My Employees Right Now? ...And About Myself...."

"Mental Health - 2 of them, please!"













(Read full feedback from Umbraco in English here)

Read full feedback from IDEXX in English here)  

​Examples of customers:

My customers' feedback:

Thank you for a razor-sharp presentation and great tools for bringing the conversation about stress to the table before it hits. Mette B. Lorenzen engages and puts herself into play when prevention is on the agenda.

As one colleague put it: "Wasn't sure if I wanted to attend, because I didn't want to see more mechanical slides and statistics about stress, but Mette's presentation captured me, was present and offered practical tools served in an easily digestible way."

I can recommend speaking with Mette B. Lorenzen if it has to do with stress and stress prevention.

Jakob Herbert Pedersen

Director, Global Manufacturing, Vestas

It was impressive how you connected mindfulness to agility because it's not so straightforward and simple. You hit the mark.

Leader, Bankdata

I have only heard praise about your presentation, so kudos to you.

Project Manager, Bankdata, the Danish Banks own IT business

Hello Mette

Thanks for the presentation yesterday. It was fantastic, inspiring and super useful.

Your energy and preoccupation are so contagious, I left the presentation with my Oxytocin depot completely in green.

Have read your book which I bought yesterday, today. It gives such a nice picture of what it is that you as a person can be affected by, AND how the person can take care of it again, by understanding the chemistry, taking responsibility, asking for help.

The book has already been introduced to my colleagues, and I am sure that it will give everyone reflections and new thoughts.

Once again THANK YOU for you and your way of communicating.

Bettina Wortmann, course organizer about a presentation at the Danish Psychotherapist Association

Thank you very much for a couple of really inspiring hours at Frederiks VI hotel last week together with EGN Female Leaders - truly an awesome experience!

Hanne Lund Madsen, DHL Global Forwarding (Denmark) A/S

We are 26 nurses who work daily across 14 different locations, meaning we collaborate with considerable geographical distance.

Mette B.  Lorenzen, known for the book "The Frog in the Pot," which revolves around mental health and stress management, came and held a fantastic two-hour lecture for us.

Mette received tremendous praise from all of us. Her presentation was engaging, practical, and relevant.

Jette Lundegaard, Prison Nurse, Correctional Services

Thank you, Mette! It was an excellent lecture, and I'm sure everyone took something valuable from it!

THANK YOU for your straightforward and calm way of discussing something difficult.

Ninna Stæhr-Petersen, CEO at ODEON and Comwell Hotels

It was a great presentation! The best one I've heard!

Employee at Erhvervshus Hovedstaden, Business House Capital Region

Absolutely awesome and highly relevant presentation - I'm sure it will provide great value to the participants.

Lise Rekvad, Head Nurse, Pandemic Corps, Odense University Hospital (OUH)

It's liberating that Mette takes the lead - normally, it's us who hold it, but in this space, we can let go, as Mette takes charge, and there is care here.

Authority Case Worker about supervision, Vejle Municipality

A big thank you to Mette B. Lorenzen from Neomenia. Odense Locksmith Services has gained valuable insights into stress, job satisfaction, and well-being after a very enlightening presentation from Mette.

The number 4 is now being used extensively in the company.

Thomas Løvdal, Odense Locksmith Services​

Mette B. Lorenzen's course and book helped Alphalyse achieve a shared understanding and a common language when discussing stress prevention.

Her presentation was entertaining, easily understandable, and incredibly beneficial.

We highly recommend Mette B. Lorenzen to all companies looking to gain a better understanding of stress prevention and management.


With this message, I want to express my appreciation for a well-prepared, inspiring, and thought-provoking presentation at the Main Library in Odense on November 25th, 2014.

I look forward to following your work in the future!

Best regards,

Freddy Vermod

Mentor at Odense Municipality

​Dear Mette,

I felt compelled to say thank you for the mindfulness course you held at my workplace. I had a bike accident just before the summer vacation and suffered a concussion, which resulted in a partial sick leave. During that time, I had some daily "rituals" where I would lie down and listen to your soothing voice through the links you provided us. I was experiencing severe fatigue, and meditation gave me much-needed energy. I am very grateful to have become acquainted with Mindfulness.

Take care. I'm sure our paths will cross again someday. Thank you 😊

Employee from a Mindfulness course at Sanderumskolen, a public school

Loads of energy from the morning supplemented with a fantastic presentation about stress and the warning signs that creep in.

Thank you, Mette Balslev - you are and were very inspiring.

The Network related to Odense Handball

Hello Mette,

Thank you for a really good day of teaching last Tuesday. We evaluated the day and collectively agreed on some points that we will implement before the start of a staff meeting and how we can remind each other, in a caring manner, to take a 2-minute break, breathe, and see possibilities instead of limitations.

Support Organization regarding students

Yesterday, IT-Branchen in Funen had the pleasure of attending a lecture by Mette B. Lorenzen.

Do yourselves a favor and spend a few hours with Mette and your team.

She makes a difference!

Lotte Jensen, Regional Manager at IT-Branchen, the IT branch organization

Dear Mette,

A thousand thanks for a wonderful, warm, and engaging presentation.

Having been through some tough times myself, I can certainly benefit from qualified guidance and discovering that I am resilient. Many thanks.

Participant at a public lecture

Dear Mette,

Thank you so much for a fantastic lecture that left a great impression on me. I am impressed by your authenticity and how you managed to keep the presentation lively and interesting on a regular weeknight.

I am delighted that I made the trip from Copenhagen back and forth.

Wishing you all the best for the future.

Participant at a public lecture

One of the more memorable people-focused sessions of the festival drew fascinating parallels between empathy and coding. The speaker, Mette  B. Lorenzen, made compelling connections between the two domains and she made great practical suggestions on how to better empathise and connect with others.

Bluegrass, Cape Town, about talk at the tech conference Codegarden

Today, as a company, we had Mette visit the brewery. Mette gave the most fantastic presentation about stress prevention and increasing job satisfaction.

In addition, we all received useful tools and a book to take home! A big thanks to Mette B. Lorenzen!

Eddie Szweda, Midtfyns Bryghus, brewery

Evaluation after the course days

for the 2nd year in a row:

​It was once again pleasantly varied, with a good balance between input and exercises

You are a skilled instructor.

I'm glad that you included so much team-building; we are even stronger in team spirit and mutual understanding now

Since last year, I have become much more aware of the importance of listening, not just fixing things, and that conversations don't always have to be so formal

I have used the learnings from last year's course a lot regarding mentalization, which you conveyed well.

Your voice is nice, soft, and soothing when you guide us.

You are really good!

I feel motivated to thoroughly review all the materials when I get home and consider how we can apply it with the youth.

Save the Children, Zealand

Mette delivered an engaging, thought provoking and incredibly helpful session

that appealed to each of them and met them where they were at.​

Emma Burstow, 

Director of Developer Relations

Umbraco A/S

​Read the full feedback here

Your presentation was specific and useful, and an important reminder to address both work life and life in general to maintain a good balance.

Carsten Hyldborg Jensen, Director at Fynbus, the regional public transportation

Dear Mette,

Thank you for a great day. You provided a really good insight into stress factors - all the way from cavemen to 2018, presented in an easily understandable manner.

It was simply excellent.

Organizer after the presentation in the networking group

Yesterday, we set up a tent in the machinery house and fired up the gas heaters because Mette B. Lorenzen from Neomenia came to visit.

She talked about "The Frog in the Pot," work satisfaction, life joy, and the signs we send to our surroundings when we start to feel pressured and stressed.

How words spread, both the negative and the positive.

How each of us can transmit positive energy to others with just a few changes, both at work and in our personal lives.

How we can help each other by recognizing each other's signals before the cup overflows.

It can strengthen each one of us and definitely make us an even stronger team than we already are.

Thanks to Mette for the visit - it was a different but really great way to come together at Ronæs Entreprenør. We can only recommend having Mette over for a presentation 😊

Thomas Rasmussen, Ronæs Entrepreneur

Mette brings a new angle to handling stress to the table. As it is borderline impossible to remove all stress factors in your daily work life Mette brings focus to understanding stress and providing tools to manage how you can influence how you let stress impact you.

Mette delivers a unique combination of evidence-based facts presented in a very digestible way spiced up with pictures from her great little book “Frøen i gryden”.
But more importantly all this is served with a solid foundation based on own experience as well as an abundance of empathy and understanding of how different we all are as people.

Jan Thilkjer Eriksen

FSR Manager Nordics, IDEXX Nordics

Read the full feedback in English here

Great content with valuable tools to carry with us in our daily lives.

Healthcare Assistant Club, FOA, The Federation of Public Employees

Some of the best talks at tech conferences are talks that you wouldn't always expect to see at a tech conference, and Mette B. Lorenzen is bringing that wonderful kind of fresh perspective to the final day of Codegarden with an exploration of how empathy and coding are not all that different. Lots of great practical tips and thoughtful takeaways as we begin to round out our week and head back to our daily lives.

Allen Smith, US, open source veteran and tech leader

✓ Member of the Danish Psychotherapist association

✓ More than 6.000 individual sessions  

✓ 24+ years experience in professional communication

Mette B.​ Lorenzen

​Cognitive Psychotherapist MPF
