business coaching​

STrenghten your job satisfaction and your motivation

Do you want to set a new career goal? Or are you struggling to cope with changing conditions at work? Or do you currently have no workplace?

Business coaching is for you if you either can't wait for the changes, have challenges in handling them, or believe that there must be more to achieve professionally than where you are right now.

It could be that your job:

  • Has changed in terms of content or form, and you need help in managing the changes
  • Causes symptoms of stress and consumes more of your personal and family life than you would like
  • Does not give you the feeling of utilizing your full potential, and you feel stuck in your current job function

what is business COACHING?​

Coaching is not therapy.

It is a guided, present dialogue that makes you more aware of your own potential and resources so that you can reach your goals.

I help you see your goals clearly and find a secure path towards them.

Whether it's about immediate changes or long-term career goals and achieving the best work-life balance along the way.

Everyday life 'consumes' us all, and finding time to reflect and connect with what truly matters can be challenging.

The better you know yourself, the better you can ensure that you make the most of your professional and personal strengths and handle your challenges in a constructive, honest, and effective manner.

Without stress.

business COACHING FOR LEaders

Are you a leader who wants to improve your ability to motivate and lead your employees and have greater influence?

Or perhaps your situation is not just about having "too many" tasks at the moment? 

Maybe it's something bigger and deeper, related to your personality and past experiences in your personal or professional life?

In addition to functioning well and feeling good as a leader, you also need to inspire your employees, both in times of success and adversity.

It is indeed a big challenge to tackle. 

I will coach you through the right, incisive questions to help you see your challenges and solutions clearly.

With my cognitive background and years of experience as a supervisor, I have the tools to help you shed light on your optimization from both sides of the table - that is, from your employees' perspective as well.

Contact me here or call me at +4571758126, and I will be happy to assist you.


As a business owner or entrepreneur, you have many responsibilities to juggle.

You may need to:

  • Build the company on your own
  • Balance between personal life and entrepreneurship
  • Lead employees for the first time

You are undoubtedly highly competent in what you do. I would like to help you find a balance between work and leisure. Providing you with understanding and tools to recover and recharge, thereby unlocking your full potential.

 You already put everything into this - I will teach you how to keep going and persevere.

The right start-up approach can save you from many worries and sleepless nights that many business owners and entrepreneurs experience. 

As a business owner, you put everything on the line, and therefore, it affects you as a whole person. If things go wrong, they can go really wrong.

With my years of experience as a cognitive coach, therapist, supervisor, and speaker, I would also like to help you avoid falling into the trap of stress.

I often hear, "But I enjoy what I do, so there's no danger!" However, even so-called positive stress is still stress. 

I can help you avoid that trap.


Clarity: Through our coaching sessions, you will gain clarity about your goals, values, and aspirations. We will explore your strengths and challenges, helping you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what you truly want.

Self-Awareness: I will guide you to develop self-awareness and a greater understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors - the essense of the cognitive approach. This awareness will enable you to make conscious choices and take control of your actions.

Goal-Setting and Action Planning: Together, we will set meaningful and achievable goals based on your aspirations. We will develop action plans that break down your goals into manageable steps, ensuring progress and momentum

Overcoming Challenges: I will support you in identifying and overcoming obstacles and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. We will develop strategies to navigate through challenges and setbacks, helping you build resilience and perseverance.

Skill Development: I will provide you with practical tools, techniques, and resources to enhance your personal and professional skills. These may include communication, time management, decision-making, and problem-solving skills, among others.

Accountability and Support: I will hold you accountable to your commitments and provide ongoing support and encouragement throughout your journey. Having a trusted partner by your side can boost your motivation and keep you focused on achieving your goals.

Growth and Transformation: Through the coaching process, you will experience personal growth, increased self-confidence, and a greater sense of fulfillment. You will develop the skills and mindset necessary to overcome challenges, embrace change, and create the life you desire.

Overall, a coaching process with me will empower you to unlock your potential, tap into your inner resources, and make meaningful changes in your life. Together, we will create a supportive and transformative journey tailored to your unique needs and aspirations

business COACH online

During a business coaching program with me, you will have access to a full toolbox of resources.

I am located in Odense, Denmark, but I  also help many clients in other countries:

Your business coaching sessions can  be conducted online, and I have had great success with clients from all over the world, using e.g. Zoom. This option saves you time and energy on commuting, and just like in-person sessions, you will receive small assignments to work on at home.

Read about my other clients here and contact me through the contact form here.

why i can help you

I have over 20 years of work experience in the private, public, and self-employed sectors.

My own career path has taken me through three major fields of work, and my diploma in Education, Career, and Vocational Guidance, combined with my cognitive coaching training, will benefit you.

My main focus is optimization and well-being, including stress prevention in the workplace.

I have had more than 5000 sessions with clients. Please feel free to read about my background here and don't  hesitate to get in touch.

"Hi Mette,

I want to thank you for your help. You gave me the courage to explore new paths and believe in myself again. You also helped me find peace within myself. I also feel compelled to share with you that I have had the sweetest little boy. I will be returning to work in December, and I'm already looking forward to it—not because I want to be away from my little treasure, but because I'm excited to reunite with amazing colleagues, engage in exciting tasks, and do what I trained for—helping others. It's wonderful to feel this way about work too! Thank you for being you and for having an open door when I needed it. It has made a significant difference in my life."

Female client

"It's the first time that I haven't been bored in a coaching program. I look forward to attending and leave feeling energized, talking non-stop for the rest of the day!"

Male client

"You are incredibly skilled and dedicated in your work, and you bring so much joy and enthusiasm out in people. Keep doing what you're doing, as many people benefit from you. I just thought you should know, a pat on the back in your direction!"

Male client

✓ Member of the Danish Psychotherapist association

✓ More than 6.000 individual sessions  

✓ 24+ years experience in professional communication


by Mette B.​ Lorenzen

​Cognitive Psychotherapist MPF


Contact information​:

Mobile: +45 71 75 81 26​

CVR: 35916202​